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Being an artist means creating works all the time. But those works should not be totally random, especially if you plan to follow that artistic path to something more professional.

That means creating a portfolio. While that is well and good in theory, you must first know how to create a portfolio.

What is an Art Portfolio?

Generally speaking, there are two reasons to need an art portfolio. The first is to get into an art school, the second is presenting those works for sale to potential clients. Either way, having a portfolio is of the utmost importance.

When Applying for School

In order to build the proper portfolio for getting into a great art school, it is important that you know the requirements of the portfolio first. There is no better way to build a portfolio than by knowing precisely what is being asked of that portfolio.

Far too many prospective students don’t listen to those requirements. They go with what they think makes for the best portfolio even if it isn’t in the guidelines. Check those guidelines to get a better idea of what is required.

Look at Other Examples

The surest way to find out what kind of portfolio you should have is by looking at other examples. Maybe a fellow student can help. Perhaps the instructor will demonstrate portfolios of past students as an example.

The idea is to get a visual representation of what the portfolio is supposed to be. With that visual connection, it can mean the difference between creating a decent portfolio and one that stands out.

Include a Recent Range of Works

A portfolio should not have works from more than a few years prior. The reason being is that artists change quite a bit over time, and those older works may not be representative of what an artist is currently doing.

With a recent portfolio, it demonstrates the range of artistic experiences and skill, any originality or creativity that an artist has to demonstrate.